Democrats. Republicans. I truly can't stand either at the moment. Let's break down why.
As I said to a non-friend in a debate, the Republicans are like a contestant in a game show who, after losing, has plopped their ass down on the ground and has not only refused to move but has then begun kicking and screaming to try to drown out the noise of the rest of the show.
The Democrats are like the judges or hosts of the show? What should they do? They should call security and have the bitch tazed and escorted out of the building so the show can go on. Instead they are trying to accommodate the lost contestant by not only putting them back in the game, but setting up the game so whenever they complain about anything it is promptly removed.
Case in point: the public option.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not a HUGE fan of the public option. I am a much, much bigger fan of a single payer system like they have in Canada, England, France, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, or any other kind of industrialized nation that makes sense. That's honestly what I would be out campaigning for right now.
Obama has let the fact that he is relatively new to big politics shine through. Instead of coming to the table with more than he wanted (that being single payer) and then whittling that down to a public option he came to the table with the public option, which has now, in the senate, been debated out of existence.
Senator Max Baucus has released his bill from the gang of six which has absolutely no Republican support and has almost no Democratic support. This bill probably won't even get out of its own committee, which is what we have been waiting for for the past three months or so. If it doesn't make it out of committee, at least we'll have someone to completely blame if health care reform doesn't pass.
His bill is no good because it has a mandate without a public option. Think for a second what that means. If you thought "A mandate without a public option...won't that mean more customers for the insurance companies?" then you thought correct. This would give the 40 million or so uninsured Americans over to the insurance companies, which would then in turn boost their profits from ridiculous to astronomical and I just won't tolerate it.
I am so sick of this government, for as long as I have been born, working for entrenched interests instead of the people. This is why I am a democratic socialist, and this is why I'm moving to France.